Monday afertoon...finally after a week not feeling good im back on track, working, class and obviously trainning....but this time we had the visit from my good friend Jade from Ases bjj Academy from Valencia. It was great to have him here and be able to roll and traing with such a good fighter!!We hope to see him back soon again and wish him the very best for his trip to Brazil!!see you in the tatami soon homie.
By the way if you are interested in some basic but also advanced bjj moves here is from one of our best brown belt spanish fighters, Ezekiel Zayas, looks great and as far as i heard very very technic....i am ordering my copy tomorrow, you should do the same!!Let's support our local boys!!

ps: im off to bed as im dead tired from a loooong day but also very excited because Shockwave a doing a reunion show in Erie, Pa (27-12-08) fuck i wish i could go!!!
We are the Ultimate Doooooooom!! haha
1 comentario:
ahí estas de quimono serio
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