Summer time is here...its super hot, everybody is wearing short clothes, everybody is partying wild...the beach, fresh drinks...well you know, summer time.
But today is my last day of work, i cant wait to get out of the office,hehe...
Summertime here i go!!
Before most of my colegues from work left for holidays we did our farewell summer dinner!i have to admit i wasnt very sure if i was gonna have fun or not, but, damn!that was a fun night! Also it was a special night as one of our good friends and coworkers was leaving the studio, got a better offer and she cant say from my little spot im sending her the best wishes for this new adventure she is about to begin.
Goodbye Agnes!!
But today is my last day of work, i cant wait to get out of the office,hehe...
Summertime here i go!!
Before most of my colegues from work left for holidays we did our farewell summer dinner!i have to admit i wasnt very sure if i was gonna have fun or not, but, damn!that was a fun night! Also it was a special night as one of our good friends and coworkers was leaving the studio, got a better offer and she cant say from my little spot im sending her the best wishes for this new adventure she is about to begin.
Goodbye Agnes!!
Anyways, here are the pics from that night. We went out for dinner, we partied and we had to go to work next day (that was a bad idea).
The restaurant before all started
For once in my life i wasnt late and i was one of the first to arrive
Let me introduce you to my coworkers: Alba, me, Estanis, Juan, Lore, Camila (aka Nelly Furtado) and Dani...
He is a cool dude actually...
i took the only artistic picture from that night...
Not her best pic...catching corn move mode pic
she gets the guys attention
yeah we were about 36 people there...
one million dollar baby?
Nico (the colombian night hunter) and Lisa (the italian job)
there was some love sharing
we got her a nice present
Freixent and us want to wish you felices vacaciones!!
After dinner we decided to go picture
happyness??or too many drinks??
Went to Buda Bar...and Alba was happy all night
i mean really happy, hehe
more love sharing
me and the colombian connection....the miami vice smile??ya tu sabes...hehe
no comment...ricard was possessed by some happy demon
dance baby dance
the bossssss....the real one!
2 comentarios:
Alone I want to thank for this fantastic memory! I passed it to myself very well and it was thrilling to have you to all joint so near of my. I will miss you. Shannon I have discovered you late in Pinearq, I expect to be able to discover more of you out of Pinearq.
Only I want to .....
(disculpa mi inglés, upps!)
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