This was our official day in Prague even though the night before the boy's team went to a club for only 2.50 € and "unfortunately" ended up as a peep show....too bad no pics from that!hehe.. that was a funny night but we had to wake up early for our cultura see sight visit!
More pics and bla bla...

the clock
we (boy's team9 expected and wished our tour guide would had been somekind of miss Chequia...well maybe she was 100 years ago...

Nico is always in the middle...


streets of Prague
we went to the rich part of Prague...
and ended up shopping...hehe

the "door" of the main bridge in Prague...

the Cathedral
another clock??

Ok this guy had done some terrible stuff as he was cleaning up all the Cathedral using the smalles sponge ever and some water....patient guy, worse punnishment ever!

love was in the air...they are meant to be...
typical souvenirs
End of the trip, next morning we went back to Barcelona. So stay tune for new pics and random stuff...
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