Its almost here, the return of the mighty N.E.R.D,one of those special bands that you either love or hate, but with the small difference that everybody loves them, frontmant Pharrell Williams and co will hit the stores next June 10th with a new album tittled "Seeing sounds", so get the album cover. i like it:

Here we have the first single and video..Everybody was excited for this one and to be honest my first impression wasnt that good, i guess i expected something better, stronger or different but the truth is that after watching the videoclip i didnt feel it was that special neither the song or the video...damn it! but few days after i was listening to the song over and over again and it got deep inside me!!
This "Everybody nose" song is one of those that u need to give some time until u get confortable with it until it pop's up and gets you deep into it...and now i really like it!
so enjoy it, and judge by yourself:
-NAS- Nas
Next 1st of July will get the new Nas album, when we thought he already have done everything, he hist back with a hard kinda controversial cover album, so im sure we can expect some catchy, poetic and critical songs full of energy, rythm and awesome lyrics like Nas does.
Excited and looking forward to listen the new tunes...

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